Our School Year Programs
Shooting Stars (Preschoolers)
Age 3-6
Preschoolers will spend their day engaged in a number of activities in a rhythmical flow that is followed consistently. Each day there will be a hands-on craft or cooking activity, a rich circle time filled with movement, verses and songs, a nutritious snack, a story time which is often accompanied by puppetry, and plenty of time for indoor and outdoor free play. We strive to serve primarily organic and locally produced foods and all of our food is made from scratch, with love.
Afternoon Care
The afternoon care rhythm allows time for rest & naps, simple seasonal projects, simple snacks, & ample indoor and outdoor free play after a busy morning. This is a lovely time for Shooting Stars who have been with us for the morning program and for Snapdragons & Sweet Peas who may just be joining us for a half day. It is not recommended for Shooting Stars to start the day in the afternoon as it can be a difficult transition to arrive and be expected to rest right away. See enrollment forms for more details.
Sweet Peas
Age 3-12 months.
Age 1-3 years
We are excited to be able to accommodate a limited number of our littlest community members! Infants and Toddlers will spend their days amongst our preschoolers, engaging with their elders while being cared for with ample love and warmth in a soothing, home-like environment. Little ones will weave a richness and diversity of age and needs into our days as they learn from the preschoolers and the preschoolers in turn learn to nurture and practice being good role models.
School year programs start in early September and end in late May.
Space is limited and we currently have a waitlist, so apply soon to assure you will be contacted when we have openings.