Well apparently Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow so an early spring is in the forecast! Which is not surprising as we’ve already been experiencing spring-like weather in January. This week we will likely take advantage of the warmer weather by spending more time outside and soaking in the sunshine.
Coming up is our Mid-Winter (or Early spring) Potluck Gathering. I have secured the Regis for this event which will simplify things and ensure plenty of space for all. Friends and family are invited as well. This is an opportunity for all of us to visit, eat wonderful food, and celebrate the returning sun. Here are the details:
Sunday February 21 st , Regis café, from 4-6pm. Please bring a potluck dish and a suggested donation of $5 per family to cover the rental of the Regis, (Any extra donations will be invested back into Mountain Bluebells). We will have some kids activities from 4-5ish while visiting, We’ll eat around 5pm and then there will be a story for the kids before 6. Set-up help is needed at 3:30 and we are responsible for all the clean-up so a clean-up crew is also needed. There is a sign-up sheet at the school for your potluck dishes and various jobs. I hope everyone can make it!
Miss Robin has been a blessing as my helper on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The extra help is allowing me more one on one time with the kids and more time to work on special projects with them. Thank you Miss Robin!
This next week we will be working on some special Valentine’s Day projects. I personally love this day- not as the Materialistic hallmark holiday that it has become- but because it reminds me to pause and appreciate my loved ones. I’m excited that it falls on a Sunday this year so that I can be with my children and we can enjoy some amazing food together.
Wishing you all time to pause, soak up some sunshine, and spend some time with loved ones.
Warmly, Miss Lista